
The Board of Township Trustees of Washington Township, Richland County, Ohio will offer the lump sum sale of bulk uncut firewood by internet auction utilizing “Gov.Deals Auction”. The auction will be conducted by the Township with fourteen (14) days for bidding including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The internet auction shall begin January 18, 2025.  The bulk uncut firewood is available for inspection by calling Andy Romoser at (419) 756-2574 for an appointment.

This Notice is posted on the Board’s internet website with a link to Auction.    Questions about the auction can be submitted to Jack Butler at (419) 543-0201. That the internet auction sale shall be conditioned on the successful bidder posting with the Township liability insurance for a minimum value of $1,000,000 and signing a waiver releasing the Township’s officers and employees from any liability and indemnifying same.  The Trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids.  Annette Depue, Township Fiscal Officer.

Road Department Accepting Applications!

Washington Township Trustees have approved hiring for a position in the Road Department. Starting Pay..Read More!

The new Washington Township facilities are up and running!

The project was made possible by the approval of a bond issue in May of 2021, which will repay a construction loan from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). We are very grateful for your support of this project.

Washington Township Trustees meet the First and Third Thursday at 7:30pm of every month at 222 Vanderbilt Road Mansfield, Ohio 44904. If a meeting falls on a holiday it will be rescheduled. Also, Trustee Meeting Minutes are now posted on the website.

For Application for Driveway Culvert Installation Permit click here. Please mail or drop-off the application to 222 Vanderbilt Road Mansfield, Ohio 44904 or email to washtwproad2480@gmail.com. Should you have any questions, please call the Road Department at 419-756-2574.