It is illegal to burn material
- within the boundaries of any municipal corporation.
- within 1,000 feet of a municipal corporation with 1,000 to 10,000 residents
- within one mile of a municipal corporation with more than 10,000 residents
- in unincorporated areas between 6 am and 6pm during March, April, May, October and November ( an ODNR requirement to prevent spring and fall wildfires)
Brush, tree trimmings and leaves may be burned only on the property where thy originated and if the burn site meets the boundary requirements. People responsible for the fire must ensure that the fire is located at a point on the premises no less than 1,000 feet from any inhabited building not located on the property. Garbage (food waste), dead animals and materials containing rubber, grease or petroleum (such as tires and plastics) cannot be burned anywhere. Communication with a neighbor that is burning can sometimes eliminate the need for the fire department to intercede. As always, adhere to the following information: http://www.epa.ohio.gov/dapc/general/openburning.aspx
other EPA website: https://epa.ohio.gov/portals/47/facts/openburn.pdf